Shashtee says “I was introduced to meditation over eighteen years ago, through an eight week Mindfulness Course, at a particularly challenging time in life, which in many ways felt like a foolish thing to embark upon – coming into stillness when the mind was racing with worry and anxiety over what would happen in the future. It was in fact the best thing I did for myself.

It gave space and time, to calm the mind, bring acceptance to the present moment and what was happening. Out of that space and calm, came clear solutions and an easier way to move forward.

Now when I sit in daily meditation, it is certainly a different experience to the first time I closed the eyes and took a deep breath; however, I still have times where my mind is busy and ‘chattery’. It is in these times especially, I need to bring patience and generosity to ‘self’ to allow the stillness to speak.”

About Shashtee

Our minds need tending to, just as our bodies do. Adopting a mindful attitude and undertaking daily tasks with intention and attention to the present moment, enables us to experience life as it is happening, rather than being missed because the mind is caught up in the past, or is fretting about the future.

Meditation gives us the space to just be ‘here now’ without judgement, and to let go of thoughts by allowing them to pass on through the mind, like clouds across the sky. The more we practice the easier it becomes, and like all other things we set our intention on accomplishing, initially it takes some effort and commitment.